Goodbye Primary School, Hello Tottington!!

We’ve created this website to give you the chance to think about moving to secondary school and to find out more about the school, the adults who work here and what it is like to be a Tottington High School pupil.

It’s totally okay to feel anxious about change and moving school is a big step, but remember all of the adults at school are here to help and we can’t wait to meet you and welcome you to Tottington High!

Transition Letter June 2024

Updated: 11/06/2024 175 KB

Questions you might have about your new school

You will come through the dining room doors next to the main reception and be escorted to the main hall. Your Head of House and form tutors will be there to welcome you. Please do not go through the back gates with the rest of the school

You will have 5 sixty minute lessons a day.

The day begins at 8.30 with registration/form time.

You will then have two lessons, Periods 1 and 2, before break.

Break is twenty minutes long.

Next is Periods 3 and 4.

Lunchtime is split between 30 minutes of an enrichment activity and 30 minutes of lunch.

Period 5 is the last lesson of the day.

Arrive at school between 8.10am and 8.25'. If you arrive after 8.30 you will be marked as late

No need to worry about getting lost, you won’t really be lost, but at some point you may be unsure where your classroom is: you don’t need to panic.

All our teachers and pupils are really helpful, all you need to do is ask and someone will point you in the right direction or often, walk you to lesson.

Most of our building is in a square shape across two floors, and all the classroom doors are clearly labelled. You will additionally have a tour of the school and be provided with a map on your first day. By October, you will be brilliant at knowing your way around. Trust us!

Every single member of staff at Tottington High is here to help with any problems or questions that you may have. Your form tutor is the best person to talk to if you do need any help as you will see these first thing every morning. This will usually solve any problems you may have but you can also speak to the Head of House or Pastoral Manager if you feel you need any further support.

We would expect you to get between 2-3 hours of homework a week.

To make sure you keep on top of your homework, you will be given a school planner where you can write everything down and the date it is due in. It is best to do your homework the night you get it, then you know it has been completed and you won’t forget to do it.

Reading is a key expectation of homework so we hope you are already making a start of this whilst learning from home

The first few weeks you will be given a map and teachers will be very understanding if you are slightly late for your lessons. However, they will expect you to be on time after this, as you will know your way around. If you are late to a lesson, the teacher will put a late mark in the register and an accumulation of these will lead to a late detention; individual teachers may also give sanctions.

There is a page on our main school website which contains all the latest bus timetables as well as information about the IGO pass. Below is a link to the Transport To and From School page.

Click here for bus information on the Bee Network website.

You are allowed to bring phones to school, however you do so at your own risk and they must be switched off in your bag. You are not allowed to have them out during lesson time unless at teacher has allowed it in a lesson. Mobile phones must not be used at any point whilst on the school site. If a student is seen with their phone out, it will be confiscated as per our Mobile Phones Policy Procedure.

There are lots of after school clubs to get involved in including Sport, Drama and Music. An extra-curricular timetable will be released in September so you can easily see which activities are on when. Try and get to as many as you can!

We offer a choice of hot and cold lunches. There is a page on our main school website which contains the school lunch menus for the next three weeks. This page is updated regularly so please check it to find out what the lunch options are that week.

Click here to look at our current lunch menu options.

Your parents or carers will put money on your account and keep it topped up. Parents/carers – here’s a link to our online payment page

You pay for your lunch using a biometric fingerprint scanner. Each time you pay, money will be deducted from your account, so it is important that your account is topped up regularly.

Get Ready for the New School Year!

We’re really excited to welcome you to our school and we’ll see you here on Monday 4th September 2023

A Week at Tottington High

To help you settle into your new school, it’s good to know at what times of the day you will have lessons, break and lunchtime. Here’s what the school day looks like and there’s an example of a Year 7 timetable too.

School Uniform and PE Kit

Here’s what your new Tottington High School uniform will look like. Parents and carers can find out more about the school uniform by clicking here, and more information about the PE kit can be found here.

School Uniform

  • Black school blazer with school logo as shown. This can only be purchased from our stockists.
  • A white school shirt which buttons to the neck. Revere collar shirts or shirts without a top button are not permitted.
  • School tie with school logo and relevant year group stripe. This can only be purchased from our stockists.
  • Plain, v-neck jumper with school logo. This can only be purchased from our stockists. This item is optional. (Please note: no other black jumpers/hoodies/jackets/sweatshirts are permitted).
  • Plain, black school trousers with a suit cut style. No jean-style, skinny or casual trousers/leggings are permitted.
  • THS pleated, check knee length skirt with school logo situated on waist band. The school logo must be visible to ensure that the length is appropriate.
  • Plain, black school shoes. No trainers/trainer style; no pumps/pump style shoe; no logos or silver lace threads; no boots or over the ankle shoes; no heels; no steel toe caps.
  • Black or charcoal grey ankle socks. Girls may wear plain black tights in an opaque (non-see-through) style. No coloured, patterned, white or bright socks. No knee length socks. No ankle socks and tights worn together.
  • Dark suitable outdoor coat (no hoodies).
  • No unnatural hair styles or fashions. Only hair colours which are natural are allowed (no bright reds or other vibrant colours, no dip dye). No sculpted haircuts, including patterns, are allowed and hair length must be at least a Grade 2. Students must not shave their eyebrows.
  • Only plain ear studs are allowed – one in each ear lobe.
  • Facial/body piercings, rings, necklaces and bracelets are not permitted.
  • False nails and false eyelashes must not be worn.

PE Kit

Your parents or carers will order your PE kit for you and it will be delivered to school at the start of term. It is really important that you bring your PE kit to school every time you have a PE lesson.

All sports clothing MUST be PERMANENTLY LABELLED. PE kit can be obtained from Sk Kits (click here to visit the SK Kits website).

Finding your way around

It can be difficult to find your way around a new environment. Here is a site map of Tottington High School to help.

Please contact the Head of Year 7 if you have any questions or concerns

01204 882327