We are proud of our commitment to offer all of our pupils the opportunities to develop personally.
We give young people a variety of experiences to develop their talents and interests which extend beyond the academic, technical, and vocational elements of school life.
Our aim is to encourage our pupils to become responsible, respectful and active citizens who are able to play their part and become actively involved in public life once they leave school.
We know how important it is to develop one’s character so that we reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity and cooperate consistently well with others.
We teach resilience and focus on building confidence and self-esteem to help young people cope with life’s challenges and stay mentally tough.
We teach the importance of keeping physically healthy, through a nutritious diet and an active lifestyle, including giving ample opportunities for pupils to be active during the school day and through our focus on extra-curricular activities.
We work hard to foster an inclusive environment that meets the needs of all pupils, irrespective of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.
We promote equality so that all pupils can thrive together, understanding that difference is a positive, not a negative, and that individual characteristics make people unique. We recently achieved the Rainbow award from our work with The Proud Trust, a Manchester-based charity.
Learners should understand the benefits of positive well-being, understand their own strengths and be able to set achievable goals. This is encouraged through PD lessons, the Personal Development curriculum delivered in form time, Assemblies, Drop down days and pupil leadership opportunities.
British Values
- Respect, tolerance for others and inclusiveness permeate our school community. Every individual is valued and encouraged to believe they can succeed.
- We use the four Fundamental British Values to underpin all our work in school, building a greater sense of self identity and awareness of our place in the wider world;
- Democracy – all are free to express opinions, willing to listen to others with different views, have a role in influencing decision-making.
- Rule of law – laws protect everyone, no one is above the law. All are aware of rights and responsibilities.
- Mutual respect and tolerance – raising understanding and tackling prejudice so all are treated with dignity and respect.
- Individual liberty – freedom, for example the right to act, believe and express oneself in a manner of one’s own choosing.
Personal Development in Key Stage 3 and 4 directly supports the provision of careers at Tottington High School through quality first teaching of modules around employment opportunities, academic and vocational skills, financial management, face-to-face encounters with employers, FE and HE providers and practical skills such as letters of application, CV creation and interview techniques. Personal Development encourages our students to understand the world of work and how they can engage with this as they enter adult life. For more information on this, please consult the programme of study in our careers section of the school website: Careers | Tottington High School.
"The teachers help and support the students and their journey through high school"
"The school provided each year group with a team building day, giving everyone the chance to make new friends and work together as a team. Year 11 as a whole had an amazing day and really enjoyed it."
"Teachers at Tottington are very friendly and have been supportive around our mock exams"
"The school has put effort in to ensuring every student receives the support they deserve"
"Year 11 received a pencil case full of exam equiupment for our mock exams, this was really useful and appreciated"
Being at secondary school can be a challenging experience. Meeting large groups of new people and coping with higher expectations of study can be tough. At Tottington High all year groups have benefitted from a range of team building activities which can provide the perfect way of helping young people break the ice. They worked together on challenges, learning valuable life skills to help them later in life.
Skills such as communication, teamwork and application have been found to be as important as academic ability. Getting pupils to consider how they can best work together to 'think outside the box' to solve deliberately ambitious tasks is important.
Our team building days tie into many of the national curriculum key skills across a range of subjects, from PE to science as well as those all-important English skills where pupils communicate their thoughts and ideas clearly to their peers.
The days were jam packed with a huge range of tasks including: competitive, team-focused and athletic based activities in a safe, educational and fun environment. The focus was about people bonding as a team.
The whole school had Remembrance assemblies with Mr Coogan captivating our students through his unique and engaging delivery about such an important event. The entire school fell silent and demonstrated their respect. We are immensely proud of our school community.
This term our school charity is Young Minds. In October on World Mental Health Day our school engaged in a range of activities to raise money for this very important cause. These included wear yellow, following the #HelloYellow initiative, completing a well-being toolkit and also encouraging all students to engage in conversations at home in response to Ant and Dec's Britain Get Talking campaign. In total we have raised £107! Thank you to all who have made a donation. We have more fundraising opportunities planned to continue to raise money for this charity close to our THS family.