We were so proud to hear that Jacob had been selected to speak on behalf of the school in support of this great initiative. Jacob took it upon himself to do the research for this project and worked hard on preparing the presentation, so it was lovely that he then had the opportunity to present it in person. This is a really important initiative and we were happy that Jacob was able to play his part in creating a more inclusive culture for all of us.
Jacob's mum
As a parent, I felt it was a great opportunity for my daughter to take part in a presentation as part of LGBTQ history month. This topic is something my daughter feels very strongly about and I think it is fantastic that school provides such opportunities. I am proud to have my daughter attend a school that is very supportive and inclusive of all genders and preferences and encourages all who attend to be open and, more importantly, be themselves.
Katie's mum
Thank you for inviting us to your school on 21st February 2022 and giving us the opportunity to share with your young people our organisations EDI information. It was refreshing to receive the interaction we did from all your year groups and it demonstrated a level of maturity from all who involved themselves in discussions.
I understand that our presentation was very heavy on detail but again I commend your pupils on their ability to engage at an appropriate level.
It was nice to hear and see the correct use of language, especially surrounding Trans discussions. It was obvious this was already discussed within your school and I hope we added weight to this area.
I hope your pupils got something out of it and hope that by us highlighting how we as an organisation encourage and educate people can hopefully have a positive effect on their lives.
Can you please pass on our thanks to your AWE group for their open and frank discussions about LGBTQ+. It was very interesting to hear personal stories spoken with confidence and their interaction with the Fire Crew was well received.
Kris Bailey Watch Manager, Ramsbottom Fire Station