To provide students with the opportunity to study society through the lens of various sociologists as well as their own point of view. Students are introduced to varied ways of looking at society around us and how various people make sense of this society with research and evidence. 

GCSE Sociology at Tottington follows the AQA specification on families, education, crime and deviance and social stratification. Students also study methods of research. 


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The curriculum is sequenced for students to build upon knowledge and skills. Students are introduced to the course with core knowledge and content at the beginning of year 10. This gives them a basis on which to begin their learning journey. Students study the research methods element of the course before commencing the content to give them a basis for this learning. Once the content on families, education, crime and deviance and social stratification have begun, students will revisit the research methods and draw upon the core knowledge required within each of these units of work.

Sociology lessons follow the AQA specification. You will see students building upon their prior knowledge and skills through independent practice. Students will have opportunities to use computers, complete group tasks and share their own ideas on various aspects of society.

Sociology follows the departmental and school guidelines on marking and assessment. Students will be formatively assessed throughout the course with end of unit assessments to collate knowledge at the end of each stage of learning.

Students will complete their GCSE examinations at the end of year 11.

Homework follows school and departmental guidelines. Students are also expected to be revising core knowledge and content as part of their homework. Students are given opportunities to listen and interact with visiting speakers. They also complete in school research- based learning to complement their learning.

Students may choose to continue further study with A-Level or degree level Sociology. This could lead to careers as a sociologist, teacher, social worker, journalist, probation officer, HR, police officer, charity worker, youth worker.