Guided Choices 2025

Over the coming few weeks, we will complete our Guided Choices process where your child will choose the subjects they will study in years 10 and 11 and earn qualifications in at the end of their THS journey.  This can be an overwhelming process and can be quite daunting for students.  We hope to be able to make this as easy as possible for you and your child so that they make the right choices.

There are a few key dates that I would like to bring to your attention, which should help to put your mind at ease:

The Guided Choices booklet will be available digitally and a link to it will be sent to you through ClassCharts and email.  If you would like a hard (physical) copy please email me (details below) to request a copy to be sent home with your child.

During the week we return from half term, assemblies will also take place during the school day by Heads of Department to inform students of the requirements and expectations of their courses, beyond what is in the booklet.

If at any point during this process, you would like to discuss Guided Choices further, whether you have questions about the process, queries about the courses, or you want to know more about what is best for your child, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Mr Atkinson
Assistant Headteacher