Year 9 options evening will be taking place on Thursday 10th February, remotely via Teams. The evening will consist of presentations on all subjects that your child will have the opportunity to choose from during their selection process. After the member of staff has delivered their presentation, they will be available to answer any questions that you may have.
The evening will be structured as below:
5.00pm Introduction
5.10pm Technology
5.20pm Computing
5.30pm Religious Education
5.40pm Music
5.50pm Triple Science
6.00pm History
6.10pm Geography
6.20pm French
6.30pm Physical Education
6.40pm Performing Arts
6.50pm Art
Our careers advisor, Kevin Welch will also be available to provide careers guidance during this event. His availability will be from 5.30pm to 8.30pm and this will also be via Teams. You can contact Kevin during the subject presentations or after they finish.
To access the subject presentations and careers meeting, please see the letter sent out on Friday 4th February, which contains the links you’ll need.
The links and more options information is also available on the GCSE Options page here.
If you have any questions/queries prior to the event, please do not hesitate to contact school.